Cognitive Sports

by Fitness Science Lab

Health & Fitness

16.99 usd

WHAT IS COGNITIVE SPORTS?Cognitive Sports includes a wide range of tools that add variety to your workouts.The work of perceptual-cognitive skills in sport (attention, concentration, memory capacity, selection of information, among others) is essential within the physical preparation process.IT INCLUDES:- The ability to switch between 2 languages ​​(Spanish and English).- A template to customize your exercises (mode, work time, rounds, among others).- Allows the trainer to create exercises according to their needs and equipment.- It enables its adaptation for any sports practice depending on the perceptual-cognitive ability to improve.- Suitable for athletes and non-athletes.DEVELOPED BY EXPERTS IN SPORTS AND SPORTS TRAININGThe selection of the modes and the Cognitive Sports interface proposal was the result of extensive consultation with experts and researchers in the area of ​​neuroscience applied to sports and sports training.In the same way, it has clues or help to facilitate the understanding of each tool within the app, therefore, its use is quite simple and accessible to different audiences.Cognitive Sports App is part of a set of Fitness Science Lab applications focused on Fitness, Training and Sport, so we invite you to immerse yourself with us in cognitive training and consult our other apps.